Prairie Flowers Bring Joy

District Strategic Goal #5 is:

To Ensure a Satisfying and Productive Partnership with Families and the Community.

As I opened my email this morning, I was delighted to have a message waiting for me from Ms. Elizabeth Gray. As a photographer, she had been on the Rock Island Trail photographing the wild flowers that the Dunlap Grade Students have planted over the years. As she photographed, a gentleman approached her and told her that the flowers were a result of the students at Dunlap Grade School. The flowers that now bloom along the trail provide beauty to those that use the trail as well as habitat for wildlife that inhabits the region. It is wonderful to know that individuals continue to appreciate the hard work and dedication by the students that planted the flowers. She shared with me some of her images.

One comment

  • That’s awesome and how wonderful that the students at DGS have been able to leave the earth a better place and more beautiful too!

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