4th Grade’s AG in the Classroom

District Strategic Goal #1:

Continuously Improve Student Growth and Achievement

Students in 4th grade invited Agriculture in the Classroom back to DGS and this time, they learned about where our milk comes from. Mrs. Spencer explained that before we can drink milk, it goes though the process of Pasteurization to rid the milk of any bacteria. We also learned which nutrients are present in milk such as vitamins, minerals and proteins. To demonstrate this, groups of students were given a tin of milk and added a few drops of food coloring to see that the color stayed put and did not mix or dissolve. Then, a drop of dish soap was put in the tin and students watched the color start to mix and move around. This is due to the fat protein molecules moving around and becoming sensitive to the changes that occurred. After learning this, students were given a chance to try a favorite among dairy products…cheese!

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