Friday Focus: Great Things I’ve Seen This Week at DGS

  • 4th grade uses read alouds as an opportunity to model proficient oral reading for their students. I have a great book, “In Defense of the Read Aloud” if you are interested in reading the importance of consistently modeling reading across all grade levels.
  • Mrs. Zarko created a video to communicate how her feedback form works for parents. This tool builds parents’ capacity for understanding 2nd grade expectations and their student learning. You can view it at
  • Positive Office Referrals are being shared when they come in. I love to read these to our students and showcase the positive behaviors. It provides a great model for other students and builds positive rapport and relationships with the students and their parents that receive them.
  • Kindergarten completed a team work activity in PE that required them to exercise their communication and problem-solving skills.
  • Some third grade students were observed correcting their own understanding in math, but moving from the concrete to pictoral to abstract levels in a flexible and supported environment.
  • Our strong and cohesive team came together to support each other and a student in need on Thursday.
  • The Hallway number line was observed being used as students recognized number patterns and continued to develop number sense.
  • Having Mrs. Cranford in our building has been a great asset. She’s been able to support our students so much already with various nursing needs.